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Breaking News Duden Update Adds New Definition For Sufficient

Breaking News: Duden Update Adds New Definition for "Sufficient"


The Duden online dictionary, a leading German language authority, has added a new definition for the term "sufficient." The update, which went live on [Date], provides more precise meanings and synonyms for the word.


The new definition includes the following key points:

* Sufficient now means "adequate, enough, or satisfactory." * It encompasses the concepts of "average," "adequate," and "satisfactory." * The definition also specifies that sufficient pertains to "an organ's functional capacity and performance."


The addition of this new definition is significant because it provides a more comprehensive understanding of the word "sufficient." It helps clarify the meaning of the term in various contexts, from everyday language to technical fields. The update is expected to enhance communication and precision in writing and speaking.

For further information, please visit the Duden website at [Link to Duden website].
